
For many routine business disputes, arbitration can be a quicker and less expensive alternative to courtroom litigation. But what happens if, after you agree to have your dispute resolved by an arbitrator, your circumstances change and you can’t afford the arbitration fee?

In college statistics classes, professors often point out that, in theory, an infinite number of monkeys randomly tapping on keyboards would eventually produce a great work of literature. But could the prolific primates get a copyright on their work?

On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”) into law. The TCJA is one of the most sweeping pieces of tax reform in recent history.

For some people who own property along California’s beautiful coast, living on the beach seems to trigger a desire to keep others off “their” beach. As a homeowners’ association learned in a recent appellate court ruling, that can violate the California Coastal Act.

All jobs have their routine, sometimes boring, tasks. Even judges often have to decipher complex statutes and slog through tedious contract disputes. But every once in a while they get a distinctly out-of-the-ordinary case – such as the woman with five tigers.

California was a pioneer in safeguarding members of the public against lawsuits aimed solely at intimidating them from speaking out on public issues, and its “Anti-SLAPP” law is still regarded as providing the broadest protection among the 28 states with similar statutes.