
Many companies require their employees to agree to arbitrate disputes about working conditions. But what happens if a government agency intervenes on behalf of an employee; is that agency also bound by the arbitration agreement?

An American expat widow living in Mexico learns that she can't serve as the administrator of her husband's probate estate

To serve as a court-appointed administrator of an estate in California, you must be a resident of the United States. But in today’s highly mobile society, facilitated by jet travel, instant communications, virtual meetings, and, for some, second or third homes, what does “resident” really mean?

Consumers in America and around the world have embraced online shopping for everything from food and fashion to vehicles, medicine, travel, andcountless other purchases. But many retail websites are inaccessible for consumers who are blind or visually impaired because these sites are incompatible with the screen-reading software many of these consumers must use.

It’s not uncommon for elderly persons to designate younger relatives to make health care decisions on their behalf. Does this authority include the right to sign an arbitration agreement if the person must be placed in a skilled nursing facility?

It’s unlawful for an employer to employ someone who isn’t eligible to work in the United States – but to ensure that unauthorized workers aren’t exploited, an employer can’t rely on a worker’s unauthorized immigration status if that worker sues for wage and hour violations, such as the employer’s failure to pay minimum wage. Does that rule apply in wrongful termination cases, too?

A Valensi Rose Client Alert
The recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 contains several new tax credits, as well as preexisting credits extended or modified by the Act, which individuals and small businesses should know about.