Laurie Murphy, Lynda Chung Honored By LA Business Journal
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose is pleased to announce that Partners Laurie Murphy and Lynda Chung were selected as nominees for the Los Angeles Business Journal’s 2021 Women’s Leadership Awards.

Michael Morris Quoted in Bloomberg Tax, Law360 on Michael Jackson Tax…
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose Partner Michael R. Morris was interviewed by journalists for Bloomberg Tax and Law360.com for articles about the Tax Court’s ruling that Michael Jackson’s estate was worth only a small fraction of the value the Internal Revenue Service had imputed – especially the value of the late singer’s image and likeness.

Michael Morris on Planning Committee for CalCPA Entertainment…
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose Partner Michael R. Morris has been named to the planning committee of the upcoming CalCPA Education Foundation Entertainment Industry Conference, which will be held virtually on June 22, 2021.

Lynda Chung's Article Published in Korea Times
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
An article by our probate and trust litigation partner Lynda Chung, “The Impact of Spouse’s Death on Married Couple’s Community Property and Debts,” was published in the February 19, 2021 issue of the Korea Times.

Valensi Rose Attorneys are Designated as 2021 Super Lawyers
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose is proud to announce that five of its attorneys have been named to the 2021 Los Angeles Super Lawyers® list. The designation honors those who rank among the top five percent of all private practice attorneys in their practice area, as determined by other attorneys familiar with their work.

Lynda Chung's Article Published in Journal
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
An article by our probate and trust litigation partner Lynda Chung, “The Impact of Spouse’s Death on Married Couple’s Community Property and Debts,” was published in the annual journal of the Korean-American CPA Society of Southern California.