Songwriters Score Big Tax Breaks, Says Morris
- by Michael R. Morris
Songwriters can take advantage of provisions in the tax code that allow them to treat the sale of their musical compositions or copyrights as capital gains, enjoying far more favorable tax rates than they would if the proceeds were treated as ordinary income. Valensi Rose Partner Michael R. Morris explained the ins and outs of this capital gains treatment in an article in the Daily Journal.

Rachelle Cohen To Speak on Protecting or Piercing the Corporate Veil
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
Rachelle Cohen will speak on a panel titled “Protecting or Piercing the Corporate Veil” at the California Lawyers Association Annual Meeting, which will take place in San Diego September 21-23.

Michael Morris To Speak at CalCPA Entertainment Industry Conference…
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose Partner Michael R. Morris is serving on the planning committee of the CalCPA Education Foundation Entertainment Industry Conference, and will lead a panel discussion, “Ins and Outs of Acquiring Music Catalogs.”

Rachelle Cohen to Speak to Beverly Hills Bar Association
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
Rachelle Cohen will speak to the Beverly Hills Bar Association on May 15, 2023, via Zoom, on “IOLTA/CTAPP: The Dos and Don’ts of Handling Others’ Funds.”

Lynda Chung To Speak at Three Bar Association Programs
- by Lynda I. Chung
Lynda I. Chung, a litigation partner with Valensi Rose, will present programs to the Beverly Hills Bar Association, the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and the Korean-American Bar Association in the coming weeks.

Michael Morris to Moderate Panel on Catalog Sales
- by Michael R. Morris
Michael Morris will moderate a panel discussion on the sale of music catalogs, hosted on Zoom by the California Copyright Conference on May 9 at 2:30 p.m.