Rachelle Cohen Provided Ethics Training
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
Rachelle Cohen co-hosted a webinar on ethics training for lawyers presented by the California Lawyers Association on Dec. 6, 2023.

Valensi Rose Joins Lawyers Associated Worldwide
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose is proud to announce that it has been selected for membership in Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW).

Lynne S. Goldstein Joins Valensi Rose
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Valensi Rose is pleased to announce that Lynne S. Goldstein has joined the firm.

Robert Kehr To Deliver Ethics Update for Orange County Bar
- by Robert L. Kehr
Robert L. Kehr will speak at a Dec. 7 program of the Orange County Bar Association about recent developments in legal ethics and professional responsibility.

Robert Kehr and Rachelle Cohen to Speak to Paralegals About Ethics
- by Valensi Rose, PLC
Robert L. Kehr and Rachelle Cohen will speak on ethical issues facing paralegals at the General Session of the 47th Annual Conference of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association. The conference will be held Oct. 14 at the Hilton Glendale.

Rachelle Cohen Provided Training on Civics for Volunteer Teachers
- by Rachelle H. Cohen
Rachelle Cohen provided training to prepare lawyers to serve as K-12 classroom visitors to deliver age-appropriate civics education.